Thursday, January 03, 2008


First New Year’s post.
We've been thru a long period of writings, a demo, rehearsals, then some concerts during the last 6 months - it's been an enriching time for us.
Now we’re about to go for the final writing details and pre-production; what we’re doing is to prepare the whole song structure & metronome foundations on which Sam will lay his drum tracks so the other instrumental parts can follow next.
I've been thru a very creative day, last 29th December, and got my cell phone at hand all day long recording all the riffs that came to my's the result of go on short holidays without a guitar:)

Sam and I will be on studio today (I’m on my way there while writing) to plan the whole process and to define the last details – it will be our daily job on the next few weeks so it’s something we are seriously committed to.

I’ll keep you up with more news during this period,

Happy New Year 08!!!

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