Friday, January 11, 2008

Racing the songs

Hello dear internet surfer,

this night post comes from a "mind full of riffs & odd signatures" guitar player who had a sick day on studio writing one of the most fantastic Forgotten Suns' songs ever - Racing the Hours.
It's funny, Sam and I got into the studio today almost in the same mood like we were in the first Racing the hours session, on which we wrote all the original sections, and guess what?Yep...we did a very interesting face lift to it, kind of a 5 times better track now, I'm thrilled just imagining to play it live...;)

Inspired by the new rehearsal place and by our small jam, I got a groovy riff that decisively changes the whole structure and the new chorus is nothing but pure dinamyte!
I'm doing some homework now for lyrics and vocal melodies and will work out a clean guitar part that will be a small and smooth feather falling on Hell - the type of contrast I really enjoy;)
I think this album will be something very special and this song...

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