Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Drummer from Hell

Today is a day off at the studio for myself and Nuno, Sam and Mike will be there working.

Yesterday we had a very prolific writing session which got us even more enthusiamed and confident for the coming month. We were working around the instrumental section of 'Racing the Hours' and we incorporated a guitar solo in the middle of what we had done previously - remember that we had written almost 70% of the album before Paulo 'Snake' joined in - we also worked the 3rd verse riff instrumental in a change of up beat/down beat at tempo...Sam spent some time working drums for all those riffs and let's say that we have a real vibe of metal in this track.

We also decided how it would end so this track is almost done and we are now heading towards 'Outside In' instrumental section for an upgrade, this is a track we have been performing live so we already know what we want from it.

Here is a pic of our Drummer from Hell;)

Monday, January 28, 2008


Hello again, another sunny monday morning and we're heading to the studio.
Today we'll be working on the instrumental and end section of Racing the Hours as well as planning the month of February. There are still 8 songs left to work on, so February will be a very busy agenda for writing/pre-production.
The following track should be the pair 'The Hill' plus 'An Outer Body Experience', these two tracks were written has being a sequence for the album's end...let's see what happens in the next few days; anyway I'm working on more lyrics and there's a lot of work to top on the remaing tracks.

Just a quick reminder that Sammy and Nuno will be out during next weekend performing with Ava Inferi (KJB/Barcelona and Sala Live!/Madrid) and Timeless (Dvd Presentation at In Live Caffé) respectively.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Picks, Lyrics, Riffs...somewhere in time

Hello there,

Sunday night, 10:00 p.m...
My weekend has been very relaxing and inspired in many ways ...I got more lyrics done for 'The Hill' and I'm very proud with the results so far. Right now I feel my writing skills improving each time I sat at the monitor screen - I like to write lyrics at the CPU with all internet favourites opened for references. All song titles have been inspired on internet resources so we can start considering this album has a product of the cyber world from the very beginning...

It's been quite a challenge to make high quality lyrics supporting our concepts compared to our previous albums, but, I've been preparing myself for quite sometime by reading a lot from books, magazines or newspapers...on my trip to London I got time to buy some books that would work as "investigation material" as well as inspiring from the artistic point of view; that gave me a lot of insight and confidence to simply...let it flow:)

I've been delaying the following part of the post due to the amount of work I have with (for) Forgotten, my guitar studies as well as my classical guitar teaching. But I wanted to mention it here since 5th December 07, a few minutes after our opening show for Fish and now it's the ideal time for it.

Forgotten Suns have been collecting fans for quite sometime, we have also collected some other type of listeners, though some are worth of mention and once again (I've done him reference here after our Santiago Alquimista show on September 06 with his mobile photos) I would like to thank Peter 'Pine' Pinheiro for his honesty, friendship and support and also for the gift he sent me - a Somewhere Else' Steve Rothery's blue pick.
After our first show at Aula Magna I remember to throw him my pick while we were leaving the stage so I believe this is some sort of kind reply, thank you Pedro - Steve Rothery is the super melodic guitar player and one of my biggest musical root references as you know...

Since I received it from Rita(my wife) after we left the stage and since we didn't saw each other since then...here are the pics and some photos of myself while writing at home with my 6th string Bo-El.

all the best

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bass & Guitar

Hello again!

To wake up early and to be on studio at 10.00 a.m was our goal, we had a few hours available to work the riffs and harmonies of 'Racing the Hours' and I came to found a blonde bassist recovering from a flu attack, his eyes were half closed...oriental type, anyway we were really enthusiastic about working our riffs and having a definition about this song structure.

There's no doubt about the opposition and progression that this song has itself compared to the 4 minute lenght approach like we have on other tracks (Phenotype or Flashback).

In the next few days I'll be working the lyrics for other tracks and preparing more riffs to work out this friday when we got ourselves back on studio again.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Racing the songs

Hello dear internet surfer,

this night post comes from a "mind full of riffs & odd signatures" guitar player who had a sick day on studio writing one of the most fantastic Forgotten Suns' songs ever - Racing the Hours.
It's funny, Sam and I got into the studio today almost in the same mood like we were in the first Racing the hours session, on which we wrote all the original sections, and guess what?Yep...we did a very interesting face lift to it, kind of a 5 times better track now, I'm thrilled just imagining to play it live...;)

Inspired by the new rehearsal place and by our small jam, I got a groovy riff that decisively changes the whole structure and the new chorus is nothing but pure dinamyte!
I'm doing some homework now for lyrics and vocal melodies and will work out a clean guitar part that will be a small and smooth feather falling on Hell - the type of contrast I really enjoy;)
I think this album will be something very special and this song...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Dinamic duo


while on studio today, Sam and I got the recording machinery working properly for the following work of setting meters and record song structures.

We got "Flashback" drum and guitar tracks in a 'flash' and we are now heading towards "Racing the Hours" - while cheking my guitar sound I felt hugely creative and got some riffs in the vein of Flashback, maybe we will have some new sections on other tracks, or maybe who knows...a new entire track:) Anyway, we record them for what Future reserves.

This weekend there's a lot of 'homework' to be done; we're back on business on Monday.


Thursday, January 03, 2008


First New Year’s post.
We've been thru a long period of writings, a demo, rehearsals, then some concerts during the last 6 months - it's been an enriching time for us.
Now we’re about to go for the final writing details and pre-production; what we’re doing is to prepare the whole song structure & metronome foundations on which Sam will lay his drum tracks so the other instrumental parts can follow next.
I've been thru a very creative day, last 29th December, and got my cell phone at hand all day long recording all the riffs that came to my mind...it's the result of go on short holidays without a guitar:)

Sam and I will be on studio today (I’m on my way there while writing) to plan the whole process and to define the last details – it will be our daily job on the next few weeks so it’s something we are seriously committed to.

I’ll keep you up with more news during this period,

Happy New Year 08!!!