Thursday, December 11, 2008

I N N E R G Y - the new album


I can announce in our 'making of' blog the name of our new album - hooray!:)

Check the official website frontpage so we can know more about it!

all the best

Sunday, November 09, 2008


These pics are from last thursday night at the studio doing some overdubs on vocals, we used our new room built from scratch to make it happen!:)

Friday and yesterday's schedule was filled with exploratory sessions on the new software and we have already achieved great testing results...this means even a better sound, yeah!
We are re-shaping the mixing during November and we expect to finish it on the end of this month.

Right now we're very close to announce our new label, mastering enginner/studio, graphic designer for album artwork, album's name, final tracklist and more details of the new upcoming album - stay tuned


Monday, November 03, 2008

New album update

Hi folks,

it's been a while without news but that's the usual tip that we are heavily drowned in work - so it was and will be during November.

Mixing an album such as this one it's very like living on the edge both of time consumed, mental agility and technical knowledge.
It's funny and quite rewarding for us that this aspect of the production will be quite apart from the future listeners' minds but so close to our perception of how big this album is.

Last thursday on studio with Mike and Sam we spent an hour reviewing the whole album for corrections and overdubs and it was a growing feeling among us song after song - this album it's the best of us ever and something we will be very proud of for many years to come.
We are now introducing new software and some new hardware on the mixing process to increase the quality of our sounds.

I'll kept you updated,


Friday, September 26, 2008


Hello folks,

Got some time in the morning to get you updated to our mixing process, it's been around 8/10 hours per day but things really sound powerful and better than anything we've done.

To get you an idea of what Mike and I are doing here goes the thing:
First step, we've created a frequency chart for all instruments by the way they were recorded and according to their natural EQ rules - we apply those frequencies as a global base to start the mix but all songs are different so after a while we have small different adjustments done.

We set up a very interesting operation to work the drums applying the effects ('Verby') on a perfect dry/wet system, we got great room and definition - Sammy's performance is great as you will notice in the future so, if the drummer is good it's a nice ahead start;)

Bass and guitar world is working with maximizers, peak removers and compressions we have our Cubase 4 working great. There are some delays for solos but this album is 80% crunchy guitars so it's really a fast job to get there for the right sound.
Keyboards sound amazing on the mixings, just some frequencies to work so that the low strings doesn't kill the 7 string guitar riff on 'Phenotype' - anything else is sound great.
Mike have a new Korg M3 and will overdub some sounds soon on 'Flashback' and 'Nanoworld'

Vocals is a work in progress, there are plenty of ways of doing it and at the 3d song we finally get the fastest and efficient way of get it out better - Nio is singing with great passion and it's a perfect debut for him.

I could lay all information for each instrument but I don't want to sound a pain in the a** so, let me cut here and tell you that things are going on the schedule.
Right now we're on the middle of the process.
I'm laying my hands on 'AOBE' today which is the 5th track being mixed - in the pocket already:
'Flashback', 'Doppelgänger', 'News' and 'Phenotype'.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Live at Bragança

Hello folks,
Just a quick escape from the studio while we're mixing the album to reveal some pics that arrived today to my hands.
It was with immense pleasure that we accepted the invitation from the C.M of Bragança to perform in such historical place and because this is a very well known vacation place were Mike and I have related people and families.
For me it was a long time wish that came true - another one in Forgotten Suns' history.

This was also a very interesting night because it was the debut show of our singer Nio, so this was a night that we all will remember.
It was as cold as if we were in the center of the North Pole but we handle it with ease and we did a great show by debuting live some new tracks and arranjements.
We did a very interesting line-up by performing 'Wartime' and 'Betrayed pt.I' of the Fiction Edge cd; 'Senses' and 'Strange Affair with the Night' from Snooze album, we dived into a cool 'Brigantia Jam' then into 'Flashback',
'Phenotype','Outside In' and we closed the show with 'Racing the Hours' of the new upcoming album.
There will be some new dates to be announced soon for the end of October... back to the studio,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer Date & Mixing

Dear friends,

the band will perform live in Bragança, one of the oldest historical towns in the North of Portugal.
It's with huge pleasure that the band accepted the invitation and will do this special concert interrupting the mixing process and then ending the season for some brief and deserved vacation days off.

The show will be next 14th August, 21.30 at the Praça Camões- see ya there!

The mixing process begun with our choice on Mr.Daniel Flores at Sound vs Science Studios in Stockholm but after we start working together on the first songs became evident that we weren't seeing the same type of production for it - so we decided to bet on our own experience and we're already mixing it from the very beggining - we are absolutly sure and convicted of the sound we desire for this album, so our ears didn't betrayed us with Mr.Flores work, it was a matter of production's taste.

We did a big upgrade to our recording studio and convert it into an amazing production room, we are doing it all with the newest and powerful Cubase 4 among other terabyting stuff:)
First song in the mix desk is Flashback and already sounds f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c!
Has I wrote before, there will be short chances of write in the blog in the following days (we're damn busy as you can see) but keep your eyes open on the new website that will online before 14th August with tons of news.

*****This show will have many appealing motifs attached, be sure that you don't miss this one*****

Friday, July 11, 2008

LBL & Cascais Prog

Dear fans,

it's with some surprise we see 2 of our shows being moved to other dates, next year as it seems.
Our next date is 8th November in Bünde-Westafallen (Germany) at Prock Fest 08.

The mixing process will continue and there will be a longer period without posting here.
For all the fans and friends of the band we are reaching a decisive stage of our new album, the mix and mastering - we will return with a great album!


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mixing & Listening tracks

Just a quick hello in the blog to let you know that we've been busy working the final editings and the last pack of songs will travel to Stockholm very soon. We have some overdubs to do and some final samples on Mind Over Matter and Outside In to fill in.
After listening the yet unmixed but already edited songs, I have to tell you I'm more than proud of my band mates for what we achieved musically, our best as musicians is tottaly there, I don't see the time to take it live (yeah!!!)


Saturday, June 07, 2008

Final takes

Hello folks,

after some days under a flu attack (Mike, myself, Nuno and by coincidence our swedish mixing engineer Daniel Flores too) we are approaching the final recordings. I closed my guitar recs for this album on Thursday afternoon. My last take was on the melodic and dramatic solo of 'Nanoworld'...I couldn't look for a better way of close the recordings by imagining us on stage performing live while I was recording this section, it will be a killer live moment for sure!
The last hours of guitar recordings also were spent on re-doing tracks for 'Mind Over Matter', 'AOBE' and as mentioned above on 'Nanoworld'. There are solos on these songs with wah and in particular, whammy pedal - which is a debut on albums and a last addition to my rig.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Flu anyone?

Hello folks,

it seems that there are some virus out there in the last days, Mike and I got sick since yesterday though Mike has already recovered and is on studio right now recording his last parts of 'Outside In' and 'Nanoworld'. I'm still at home with my guitars and some interesting National Geographic and Canal Historia to relax and recover fast. I believe I can close my guitar recordings for this album on Sunday and also some back vocals for 'An Outer Body Experience' and 'Mind Over Matter'.

Here goes 2 pics of Nuno 'Strap' while recording the instrumental section of 'Outside In' and Mike on the same instrumental section...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Solos & Adrenaline vs Perfection

Hello folks,

The last 2 days at the studio have been of pure adrenaline. Mike and I were 12 hours each day recording the keyboard parts for the instrumental section of 'Outside In', recording guitars for the same track, improvising solos for 'Racing the Hours' and fighting against the adrenaline of soloing at 180 bpm and get it all in perfection. It's amazing how things work when you want to make the most difficult and technical part sound like a bad ass pro player: you got to overcome the adrenaline, went beyond the task and get it done as easy as sweaming the sea of traquility...'Racing' solos are the fastest we ever did in our discography so far.

Today Nuno has already recorded his parts for 'Outside In' and Mike will record some final sections of 'Nanoworld'. Our target is to have all recordings done until this friday and then 1 week more to do final editings before send 5 more tracks to Mr.Daniel Flores in Stockholm.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Outside In

23rd May going to 24th...

In the same day that Daniel Flores confirmed that he has received the package with the first group of 4 songs in perfect condition, I'm doing another post on the making of blog! Today I have some pictures of this week at the studio: Thursday and Friday (22nd & 23rd).

We are recording the last track for the album - Outside In - which in fact was the first track to be written for it!:) Yesterday we did some bass incursions on the new instrumental section. For those who were at Aula Magna and Europarque and still keep some memories of this song, I can assure you that it developed into a incredible sick track. It has the longest and powerful musicianship we aimed since we decided to write this album, it's a very complete piece of music: has a huge concept, groovy riffs, great vocals, tremendous bass lines, hot solos from both guitar and keys, a big unisson, full of odd signatures on drums...what else can I say? Yes, it's a lot of work and gives us big headaches at the end of day...

Today Mike and I were at the studio and we finalized the keyboard parts for the unisson then we ended up the day by record all guitars for the instrumental, after that we were deadly tired. While driving home, we look like kids who did they're first cool song ever:)

I found some time to upload some pics (sorry for the low quality) but here goes:

. Myself at the studio and my Amsterdam Cherry 7 string before recording Outside In instrumental
. Mike looking at a music catalogue, cooking some plans for his live setup...
. Nuno and Mike recording the keyboard unisson
. Some scores and tablature of the big unisson
. Mike and his K2661 today on studio
. Panoramic guitar view, my Whammy was on the box today...
. Me while recording the instrumental section of Outside In

Monday, May 12, 2008

Powered by...

Some pics of the last days at the studio, we've been powered by Red Bull as an exciter for the solos, Mike on the 2nd and 3rd pics recording the end section of 'News' (I still can see his forearm popping once in a while) and myself with my new Whammy pedal yet in the box...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Back Vocals

Busy weekend at the studio, yesterday in the afternoon Mike, Sam, Nuno and I did the back vocals for Dopplegä was the funniest moment since we start recording, there's a sound file I will upload in a future post that best describes what happened...(lol)
Later at night we went into Sammy's home studio at we listened the drum tracks which are amaaaazing to our ears. From that point, we're sure that Mr.Flores will have enough quality material to cook a fabulous mix and mastering.

Today Mike and I were in the studio producing the samples for 'Racing the Hours', 'Flashback' and 'An Outer Body Experience' - first tracks will follow from Lisboa to Stockholm during this week and we will continue our recording and production process for the last tracks until the end of the month.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The News Today

Just a quick post from the studio (I brought my portable to work with Mike), we're recording the instrumental end section of "News"...seems like his forearms are increasing with the resistance and strenght he needs to get that section done...kind of Popeye:)

Yesterday we did another long studio section recording bass tracks, guitar solos, vocals, back vocals and samples. Be prepared for a great surprise...


Friday, May 09, 2008

Solos, Vocals and Samples

Another long run at the studio during yesterday, we've been very busy recording solos, vocals, bass lines and today we'll make some production for 'News', 'Mind Over Matter' and 'Racing the Hours' with sound samples and Reason 4 loops.... "the fight goes on":)


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

58 days

Yep, the title of the post is the actual number of days we took so far to record and produce the new album!
It's been a long and meticulous process. 9 tracks on 65 min of the most progressive and prolific music we did ever!
We've been recording and editing drum tracks, doubling guitar layers, improvising solos, recording bass lines, adding tons of multi-keyboard sounds and recording vocals. It's been a long process but we're quite pleased with the results achieved so far when tracks are so 'naked' yet so beautiful:)

There are many episodes I can't post on time because we're on studio over 12 hours a day sometimes and we felt like a bless when we hit our beds but, I was amazed with the keyboards of 'Racing the Hours' one of my fave tracks - it took me 7 hours with Mike to make it happen though it made me think how genius this guy is with his keyboard sounds - I love this song!

The first tracks will travel to Sweden in mid May while we finish the remaining of the album, we are very proud of work with Mr.Daniel Flores - Sound vs Science Studios in Stockholm to mix and with Mr.Mats Lindfors for the mastering...this will surely turn this album into a huge sounding masterpiece.

I will had more posts soon,


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Recording Guitars

Hi folks,
Today Mike and I arrived at the studio in the morning to record some serious heavy guitars. While I was picking up my 7 string red devil from the case and warming up I got absolutly amazed by the work Mike did on 'Mind Over Matter', 'News' and 'Nanoworld' during this week- what a killers!!!
That was a hell of a tonic for what's coming after:)
Great sounding riffs and I'm pretty pleased with myself today, we got great results and the finest crunch guitars we've ever heard in years. Our recording techniques are improving and so our fingers...
Work goes on Monday with the final part of 'Nanoworld' and for the 2 remaining tracks: 'Outside In' and 'Racing the Hours'.
Have a good weekend;)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

24th April - a date to remember...

...the band did one of the most enthusiastic gigs on 24th April 2001, it was the release party of our debut album 'Fiction Edge'...7 years ago!
Here stands a review on the day after the show:

Today we are on studio recording the 3rd album. Mike spent the last 2 days around his world of keyboards recording 'Mind Over Matter', 'News' and 'Outside In'.
I'll go in for my guitar parts on 'News' and 'Nanoworld' this afternoon. Nuno did 'Nano' on monday with great new approaches and extra bass solo:)

Everything is ok according to our schedule and the work will go on until 15th May...I'll add some pics on following posts.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Studio update - 20th April

Hi folks,
We've been recording for 1 month and 10 days from now, there's no much time has I would like to have in order to post regularly...I just can reveal that there will be a lot of surprises on this new album.Prepare your eyes and ears:)

We are now recording the final 3 tracks and we plan of send the material to Stockholm to the hands of Mr.Daniel Flores after 15th May, the last day of recordings according to our schedule.

On the pics, there are images of 'Phenotype' tracks on cpu, me recording guitars with my Bo-El (Amsterdam Cherry MC-7) and Mike and I on studio (he's been incredibly great on recordings and edition).


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Band Recording - no comments

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Studio Update - one week

Dear friends,

we are deliverin' the goods at the studio in order to get the best of us. It's been intense in many ways...we're delighted with the performances and sounds! On this subject, Mike has been the recording tech of the moment and he's been very meticulous with EQ's and gate tightness, so I think that many of the credits for the recording quality are his exclusive;)
It's really a great feeling to sense that things are not yet mixed and already sound so good...

We've been in touch with Daniel Flores in Sweden so we're aiming middle May to send the material for mixing.

We have already recorded 6 tracks with full bass and drums, 4 tracks with all crunchy guitars and 4 tracks with all keyboards. We're close to finish the first half of the recording process.
Right now, while I wrote these lines Nuno is on studio recording some cool bass slaps.

There will be some news soon on our website so stay tuned for more info...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Outer Body Experience...

30th March 2008.
We're taking up this Sun(ny)day to rest some hours. We've been on studio recording and we have already 4 tracks completed with drums, bass and keys. I'm starting my recordings this monday and we're aiming to have 6 tracks done until next week. The rec times of our schedule are perfect.

So far we are really happy with the performances and the sounds.

C-ya soon with more news...


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bass recordings


just a quick note to let you know that our bassman recorded 'Flashback' and 'Phenotype' during his first 5 hours session on studio. The bass sounds amazingly tight and there are new details popping here an there. Nuno is a fantastic musician!

During this weekend we're editing drum and bass tracks, next song that follows is 'Dopplegänger' on bass and keys.

I preview to attack my guitar recordings on the end of the week.
More news soon...

stay tuned;)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Strings - 7th World


today Mike is on studio recording keyboards for 'Phenotype', seems he did a great work on 'Flashback' which was recorded yesterday. I'm at home preparing myself for the new step which is: recording! This album has a different level of technique and precision so I'm burning my fingers up to the metronome:)

Today I also got my guitar strings for this album, D'Addario XL-7 string .009-.054

Pic of the day...the fucking strings:)


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Iron Cobras - the evil twins

We took the morning to rest a few more hours than the usual and we entered studio on the afternoon for 5 hours of work around drum tracks for 'Flashback' and 'News'.

Sammy is doing great and really fast recordings, today he closed 2 more songs covering 15 more minutes of music for this album. It's really cool and interesting to listen these drum recordings as being the bones of the album...I'm constantly wondering and singing for myself the yet unrecorded parts and this album is becoming a monster day after day...

While I was on control of recording drum tracks Mike took some time to work new sounds on his Oasys, in fact, he will record his first tracks on monday. Mike and I have scheduled "a duel at the sunset" when the solos recordings for this album arrive;)

Nuno will also initiate bass recording this week, he has great bass lines to register in all songs.

We're sailing big musical waves now, here are some pics of today...Sammy's Cobras on the beginning of the session waiting for another 5 hours of intensive pressure:)
The markers for 'News' and Mike tweaking and play new sounds...
stay tuned!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Drum Recordings

On 10th March we started to record Sam's performances on his red drum kit, it's been 4 days and he got Dopplegänger, The Hill, An Outer Body Experience, Phenotype and Mind Over Matter...he's been recovering from a flu that striked him a week ago, so he's been a brave bastard and, let me tell you, that he's taking huge takes from these sessions!!!:)
More tracks will be done in the next days.
Everything is going according to our schedules, we took 2 entire months to re-write the album and lyrics and also pre-production. We're set to start recordings of both guitars and keyboards during next week until mid April and then Mr."Snake" will enter studio to do the vocals - there is a ton of work for us to cover in the following weeks.

It's been great times on studio, we're filming it and we'll make a director's cut somewhere in time...

all the best

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Hello there,

We've been on studio all day doing some sound checkings and we will kick off with the first official recordings tomorrow with Sammy on drums.

It's been 2 months to make all writings/pre-production and we will develop 'Evil Twin' during this period of recordings, so eventually that would end up as the last track to be done...

We will now sound test guitars, bass and keyboards in order to prepare the 'harmony trio' to record after the first drum tracks are done. There a lot to explore on this album and we expect to deliver the best performance and production ever!
Meanwhile all lyrics are finished except 'Nanoworld', to be done in the next few days.
Our singer is also preparing his parts to enter studio on April.
The track list is as follow and not by any specific order:

- The Hill
- An Outer Body Experience
- Nanoworld
- Outside In
- Flashback
- Evil Twin
- Racing the Hours
- Mind Over Matter
- News
- Dopplegänger
- Phenotype
more news tomorrow

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Today I'll be at home working on the remaining, yet undone, lyrics. I'm almost close to end the writing lyrics process and I'm anxious to start recording guitars - I did some upgrade to my equipment with more software from Line6, I'll be working more sounds for the album and for my live setup on the following weeks.

Yesterday I also spoke with Sam and Mike and we're on our way to start recording the first drum tracks of the album during next week; looks everything is working full power on studio and the pre-production sounds really powerful.

I've finished 'Mind Over Matter' lyric at 03:00 a.m today and I'm on my way to finish 'News' until tonight.

Discipline+Excitement+Creativity+Passion= Great golden rule!


Monday, March 03, 2008

Evil Twin

Monday, March 3rd.

Mike, Sam and I on studio finished the solos section for 'Mind Over Matter' we got all chords flowing and settle which parts are destined for each instrument.

Today we also started the writings for 'Evil Twin', we have already a great intro and we're developing it on the following days.

This is an instrumental track and it's a short nightmare to play to resume it quickly...190 bpm /8 our highest rotation until today.
Our devil drummer on the pic;)
more news tomorrow,

Saturday, March 01, 2008

M.O.M - lyrics and structures

We spent all day around Mind Over Matter, I'm almost 100% done with this lyric; this is a track with the same needs of big production like 'News', other tracks like Flashback or Racing the Hours are more "in your face" songs.

I got the lyric done while Nuno and Mike were recording their reference tracks, it came out really natural and once again Mike delivers some great sounding chords on verses:)

This track's end is probably the best combination of "symphonical power chords" meets "shredders on steroids"'s becoming another great moment of this album!!!
more news on monday,

PS: Mike and Nuno preparing themselves for their backing vocal growlings on M.OM...
over n'out,

Friday, February 29, 2008

Feeding from music...literally:)

After 4 days working we finalized more song structures - News, Mind Over Matter, Dopplegänger - all were reviewed and we are just working minor passages on M.O.M track. During these days we had some writing challenges with the above tracks but we achieved great results that will result in even better songs after the perfect recording & production. We will jump into Evil Twin instrumental during this weekend and that will close the writings for this album...I'm sure that many details, sounds, small passages and vocal lines will be re-shaped until and during the recording process.

Sammy will be working his chops on the first finished reference tracks and soon we will open the new stage: the official recordings!!!*****

There's some pictures of us on the writing sessions, I did 8 pics and here is some description attached:

1. Nuno 'Strap' Correia, iron fingers:)
2. Sam and I after finishing the 'News' song writing, smiling...
3. Feeding from music...literally!
4. Power chords during the recording of reference tracks
5. Snake recording vocals lines
6. Sam and Snake today recording reference tracks
7. Reference tracks
8. Mike staring at the camera after a great keyboard solo