Friday, February 29, 2008

Feeding from music...literally:)

After 4 days working we finalized more song structures - News, Mind Over Matter, Dopplegänger - all were reviewed and we are just working minor passages on M.O.M track. During these days we had some writing challenges with the above tracks but we achieved great results that will result in even better songs after the perfect recording & production. We will jump into Evil Twin instrumental during this weekend and that will close the writings for this album...I'm sure that many details, sounds, small passages and vocal lines will be re-shaped until and during the recording process.

Sammy will be working his chops on the first finished reference tracks and soon we will open the new stage: the official recordings!!!*****

There's some pictures of us on the writing sessions, I did 8 pics and here is some description attached:

1. Nuno 'Strap' Correia, iron fingers:)
2. Sam and I after finishing the 'News' song writing, smiling...
3. Feeding from music...literally!
4. Power chords during the recording of reference tracks
5. Snake recording vocals lines
6. Sam and Snake today recording reference tracks
7. Reference tracks
8. Mike staring at the camera after a great keyboard solo

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dopplegänger & News

Monday 25th Feb...
Today we were a bit tired due to this never ending sequence of writing days; this meant that we just needed a few more hours than the usual to make our creative engines work full power:)
After we make it, we finalized 'Dopplegänger' as I previewed it and I'm happy that this track will have a double solo section with Mike and I shredding the boards...4:00 minute track and my bet for 'the single'.
Then we had 6 hours of writing for 'News'...uff, I have to admit that I arrived home brainless but what we did was something really special, I leave the description for yourselves when you'll listen it - i'm thrilled with this track!!!
It's a piece of music based on Mike's riffs and his "extraordinaire" Korg Oasys, the lyrics are almost finalized and on Thursday this track will be done for sure.

Time to rest now...


Sunday, February 24, 2008


Here are some pics from yesterday while we were listening the new material as promised on the previous post.

Right now we are heading towards the final writing sessions - there is still 'Dopplegänger', 'News', 'Nanoworld' and 'Mind Over Matter' to order ideas and turn them into real music.
We are sure that tomorrow 'Dopple' will be done, we did most of the writing for it on Saturday's afternoon so tomorrow we will initiate another of the remaining tracks. We expect to close this writing stage in the following 2 weeks (incl. lyrics and experimenting vocal lines) and start recording drum tracks on the first days of March.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Today Sam, Mike and I finalized 'Racing the Hours' with a fantastic end...great idea by Sammy on doing an extreme vocal section, a clinical keyboard riff plus a cromatic shredding on guitars to turn it real, a great finale was done!No doubt!:)

On the afternoon, Nuno joined us and we worked around 'Doppelgänger' structure. This is a great single, it has the power of bands like Rammstein or Metallica and the melodic parts are very Joe Satriani- speaking from a guitarist point of view.
Later on our 'Snake' joined us and we had some time to listen and analyze new ideas; it's always great to re-listen our songs in sequence even without all tracks and production made, it reminded us one more time, that this is an album with big balls. We're sure that a new chapter on our lives is being written during these days...

I will upload the photos of today on my next post,


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Work in progress

Hello folks,

today Nuno, Sam and I arrived early in the morning on our studio and I've linked the unison to the last written sections, we did a new scheme of passages and recorded it up to the metronome...152 bpm, by the way;) This track is 9:30 minutes in lenght and has a killer instrumental section, really sick prog track - one of the album's highlights for sure!
On the afternoon, after some pizzas, Sam and I started 'Racing the Hours' clicktracks. Just guitar and drums and the song already kicks ass!

More posts tomorrow,


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Outside In Instrumental

In the following of our amazing creative monday, I've been working around a unison on guitars for 'Outside In' instrumental section and just ended it a few minutes ago, it's fucking hard to play it to the metronome...any I'm really curious to work it full band tomorrow, hell ya!;)

I'm almost 70% to the end on lyrics and now I finished 'Dopplegänger', so there's only 3 more tracks to work concepts and do research for lyrical content.

More posts tomorrow,

Monday, February 18, 2008

Brains on Fire

A great day at the studio!

Sam and I had one of those magical creative hours with plenty of good heavy/progressive riffs going of our hats all day long...absolutely great*****
more news on Thursday night;)

Friday, February 15, 2008


The subject of this topic is a private joke between Mike, Nuno and I...well, sometimes when you we are more than 6 hours working non-stop our brains plays tricks on us:)

Today was another frenetic day, we did some bass recordings for 'Outside In' and then we worked around 'An Outer Body Experience' song structure. Mike and I eventually tested all possible chords (really all) and we came to a very beautiful end for this track...I had to change my lyrics for this part of the track as I previewed, man it was a good challenge!!! I'm sure Paulo will have a good time recording these sections when we went on studio. This is a track that completes 'The Hill' as a part II; all fans of Rush, Marillion or Dream Theater will like this track for sure due to it's melodic composition.
One of my faves for this album up to the moment!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Home sweet home

Wednesday 13th February, o1:34 a.m...
I finished the lyric for 'An Outer Body Experience', I'm thrilled to show it to the guys of the band and really curious to see the changes happening after we start to work it on studio.
Home sweet home, I really like to write lyrics on a cpu with a cup of hot coffee or some cold beer to bring some inspiration. I spent almost 6 hours today finishing the last part of the song and I'm really proud of it, I hope you all enjoy it while listening to this album in a near future...
I stayed at home to work more lyrics while Mike and Sam are on studio today recording more clicktracks, keyboard tracks, messing around with DFH and the new upgraded toy called Muse Research.
More posts tomorrow

Monday, February 11, 2008

Building an album

Day after day the rhythmical base and song structures are being made for each song. Today we did "Outside In" and we got half of the tracks done - we are still working the new instrumental sections for it so we need more hours to bring it to a final version. The cool part of being a progressive band is the change of rhythms and measures, this track has 4/4, 7/4, 5/8, 2/4 and some of them are interlaced like in the 3rd verse (the crazy one) in which bass and guitar are in 7 and drums in 4 or in the next section in which bass in 4 and drums & guitar are doing a change between 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 at the same time... Those who don't know how measures works, it means we are sometimes together and sometimes on the up beat playing the damn riff.... aaaaargghhh!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Click tracks

Post of the day to leave some pictures and a debriefing of today's work. A sick with the flu Sammy, Nuno and I were on studio today recording the click tracks for 'Flashback', we did some takes and got it done with ease. I showed some more lyrical ideas to guys and that was pretty much of all we did rounds includes the click tracks for 'Racing the Hours' and 'Outside In'.

have a nice weekend;)

Friday, February 08, 2008


Today Sam and I went to the studio to work around meters for 'The Hill'.

We did some serious arranjements to improve the already powerful low tempo beat which this song is all about. Very interesting rhythm analysis on this track also because of the hidden details from Sammy's drum kick and Nuno's fretless delightful passages. On the lunch break we got up with Nuno 'Strap', our bass player and we got the pleasure of the presence of Mr.Tiago Machado, an excellent musician(keyboard player), who got drowned in his neverending 'dourada' dish..."this looks like the bottom of the ocean" - laughs!:)

Nuno joined us in the afternoon and got time to work a great riff, maybe for 'Dopplegänger'...?- time will tell.

I, as usual in the last weeks, got myself in front of the cpu screen for hours working more lyrics for 'An Outer Body Experience' - Nuno's shredding on my side all afternoon was somehow inspiring, though completely out of creative frequency(lol) - I'm knowing myself better as a writer and this a fantastic world that pushes my inspiration and creative mind to a whole new level!

More posts tomorrow,


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Progressive massacre...

Hi folks,

Just a quick mail to let you know that today was a very prolific day working around 'Outside In' instrumental sections.
We got plenty of riffs and way ahead rhythms for this song, we were totally creative and it was a revealing day: we are on our way to a great progressive album, that's for sure!
More work tomorrow, Friday and Saturday so there will be more posts during the following days.

Here is a pic of us at the end of today's progressive journey...what a fuckin' day!!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Midi, Meters and Lyrics

Hi folks,
We were back to our studio for more jams, writing lyrics, doing meters and planning the sequence of songs for the album.
Sam recorded the reference drum tracks for 'Flashback' and we are scheduled to do our parts on Wednesday - we also will work around the new parts of Racing the Hours both instrumental and lyrics. Mike has new sounds for his Oasys and they seem like big inspirational tools to my ears, he always has some cool tricks and crazy/beautiful riffs he throws down each time he put his fingers on keyboards - that's why I call him the 'Merlin' of keys. Today I heard great stuff for the end sections of 'The Hill' and 'An Outer Body Experience'...can't wait to put my chorused distortions over it!!!
We got our planning over 'Outside In', 'The Hill', 'An Outer Body Experience' and 'Doppleganger' so we already know what are the best and weaker parts, we will focus on them and try to apply our concepts - all of these will be the following tracks in which we will put our spider hands and brains on!
Here I leave some pictures of the day, there's a lot more to come in the next days...

Friday, February 01, 2008

Videos, Interview and Studio works

Hello friends,

yesterday Mike and I were on the FS base to wire all equipment and prepare everything to the pre-production we will be doing during February.

As announced on our website we have chosen Daniel Flores (Sound vs Science Studio) as our mixing engineer and Mats Lindfors (Cutting Room Mastering Studio) so our 3rd album becomes a masterpiece; has everyone who is a prog&metal lover knows, Sweden has been a big factory machine of high quality music productions.

I wanted to work with Daniel since the Snooze album and his works with Mind's Eye are the proof of his qualities both as producer and musician! The Cutting Room has been a place were bands like Rammstein, In Flames, etc have been mastering recently so...all said!

Today I'll leave here some links to Forgotten Suns videos at Aula Magna and the interview I gave for Via Nocturna Radio Show on 30th Nov 2007:

Interview Via Nocturna - 4 parts(portuguese only) :

Mike's Keyboard solo on Senses:

Betrayed End Section :

The band will be working on studio at high rotation during February, there will be more live dates for 08 to be announced soon...stay tuned!