Dear friends,
Forgotten Suns wish you a fantastic 2009, that all your dreams may come true - ours are surely close to happen!
This is the last post on this blog, which means we have finally come to the end of this long "making of" and as mentioned on the subject we have our mission accomplished for this one.
Right now Shawn Gordon, President at ProgRock Records has sent us a preview of the fantastic artwork made by Thomas Ewerhard at Design & More. We are receiving previews from the Ultradisc Factory and the artwork prints done by Andrew Householder look great indeed!
Meanwhile and in late after hours schedule, Chris Brown at Murfreesboro, Tennessee USA sent me a message saying that the album is full mastered and that he's only making the final audio tests.
The making of Innergy took many months and several posts. It was a real pleasure bring you the updates, sensations and the images of this complex procedure - making an album is really something fantastic. Hope you felt some of the satisfaction we had while doing it.
Musically speaking I believe we have made something of great value, this is an album made with all our heart and all our passion for progressive music. We really overpassed all our expectations with each other and this is surely a landmark for us as a group.
Technically speaking or should I say in terms of Production, Mike was the corner stone of it. His recording techniques and engineering work was so passioned and so decisive that we should build him a statue! We really make a great production duo and so we build Mediaforce for granting the band all the best in terms of production and studio works.
We surely went up to a new quality level with this one...
I will not reveal anything more, there will be other times and ocassions to make it even properly...
We hope you enjoy all tracks, keep an eye and your ears on our new upcoming album, you surely have many parts to dig out;)
You can make a reserve of your copy at: http://www.progrockrecords.com/shop/view.php?id=186
All the best from guitar land,