Hello friends,
Today, 13th December 2007, I got some time to sit down on my desk with a cup of coffee near me and some refreshing 10 hours of sleep backing me up. I've been into UK after Fish concerts on a short vacation period just arriving on Tuesday morning - London is a milk-shake of cultures and a beautiful land. Got some good time there and as always it was a cultural enriching experience. Despite the terrible weather (rain and freeze) during the weekend it's a must have trip for anyone. While there, Led Zeppelin gave a concert at O2 'The Bubble' which I was not available to see since I got my scheduled tickets for Tutankhamun exhibition just 400 yards away from the O2 venue...
5th December - Aula Magna - Lisboa
Everything set to return on a venue we love since some of our biggest influences and best artists performed there in the past - Dream Theater(Scenes from a Memory), Steve Vai(2 times), Fish(Misplaced Childhood 06) or Pat Metheny Group. Stepping the same stage where all of those great musicians were too is always something very rewarding - for me is a growing up feeling and kind of a happy nostalgia too.
Mike and I went to the studio to check if everything was ready to go; there I got in touch with our singer who was in deep suffering knowing that he was still under a flu attack, and completely lost his voice or to say the least, 90% of it. Anyway it was an important move and we all decided not to cancel the shows.
When we arrived there, Fish' band was already doing their sound-check and it was possible to see that the PA and lights were better than last year show; also Fish got more equipment to this tour: video projection, more back up guitars, keyboards, everything was upgraded, that was a positive influence for us too. I think JDO Productions and Mr. Nuno Silva should be proud and congratulated with that.
Our sound-tech crew was amazing since the first minute, great vibe between us!
In the backstage and dressing rooms we came to shake hands and speak with Fish, Frank, Steve and everyone else. They also felt it as a re-encounter, we have some pictures of it and we're collecting more from friends and people who post them on the net during the following days.
The band mood was great, Paulo was a bit worried because he knew that these two concerts were seriously compromised by his vocal problem though, with great courage we walked into the stage and we did our best.
It was a chronological set.
We started with an extended 'Betrayed' version from the Fiction Edge album, then we went to the 2nd album with 'Senses' and the last part we did a new track, which is on our myspace 'Phenotype'. To end also new tracks 'Flashback', 'Nanoworld' intro + Jam Session.
The aftermath was a time to recover Paulo's voice and protect him from the cold weather. Tomorrow it would be a new day.
6th December - Europarque - Stª Maria da Feira
One O'clock p.m we were on our way to the north. Strap, Sam and I along with drummer Miguel Samora (he is Sammy's brother and he's been an important drum tech/mental support on our last shows since we got Paulo with us) got some cool chat about general music and individual perspectives. Miguel share the same progressive mind though we live it on a different way - Music is a never ending world!
We were very surprised with Europarque conditions, it's a beautiful venue and acoustically well prepared. We realized it better when on stage during sound-check. We did it quickly and while arriving to the restaurant something was about to happen...
It is clear that when a band is on stage performing everything can be heard on the back stage hall and rooms. It did happened with me, I listened the whole Fish' performance at Aula Magna in the back stage, loud and clear.
I believe that Fish was aware of Paulo struggle both physical and mental to do a 2nd round within 24 hours - doing Aula Magna in that way, showing up for some of our oldest fans, being a new member of the group...it was not a kid's stuff. I was chatting and moralizing him during the walk until the restaurant so we both entered the restaurant side by side when we heard a Scottish accent calling us...
- "Hey, what's happening, what's the problem?"
- "I'm recovering from a flu and somehow I lost my voice...it hurts when I try"
- "Is it a chest or head pain?"
- "Both, it has been terrible days for me..."
- "Ok my friend, don't worry. Before the show just go to my dressing room and I'll give you some of my own vocal healers. I know what you're going through and you shouldn't worry, everything will be all right!"
Before the show Paulo went to Fish dressing room and he returned to our room very surprised with the power of Fish' treatments, it looked like his voice had improved in just a few minutes and he was smiling, ready to hit the stage.
This is a gesture of a noble person, a true professional and a great man.
We have to thank Fish for everything and for his true care and support of Paulo and the band.
We felt it and we did a great performance that night. In fact everyone felt it, in the backstage there were congratulations from everyone and the techs loved it too. Fish' road manager told me: "It takes a lot of character to play like this, I'm in this business for many years and you guys were just great, congratulations!"
After everything was set to go home, we enjoyed the show on the front seats and listened to Frank's incredible solo on Cliché and Incommunicado to the very end.
Nuno 'Strap' Correia and Steve Vantsis took some pictures and talked about Spector basses, Frank and I got some time to talk about his set up (we both use Line 6) and it was a cool mood in the air...maybe we see each other sooner than the next Fish release...for now it was just a brief encounter.
Thank you to my long time friend Filipa Bastos for these wonderful pics;)
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