We used 20 days on studio (weekends offwork included) to create new songs for the upcoming album. At the moment the balance is very positive and encouraging due to the quality of compositions.
This is a 180º approach to the previous albums though it is obvious for the followers of Forgotten Suns' career that there's references of the individuals in each and every song. So far we're at the point of having 4 songs finished - Flashback, Pinpoints, Racing the Hours and Outside In(side) - and a half of another song that has the album's title and we're not going to reveal it yet...
We are using some days to reharse for the Alquimista show on 29th June where we will experiment one of two new songs and also tracks from Fiction Edge/Snooze albums.
This is the image of a griffin, Forgotten Suns' new symbol. I think the griffin is enjoying our work so far, aren't you Grif?:)