Saturday, May 13, 2006


Mike and I got together with Linx at 3:00 pm and we start to work on a terrific riff that Mike created on his Novation Supernova. This riff sounds pretty cool and spooky by using the pitch will and a filter effect to creat a lot of suspense. I had the 1st vocal line on my mind since the first time I heard the riff...

Some experimentation and some jamming, but we only got it all cristal clean after a break for some coffe and toasts; we really saw the whole picture of the song by breaking the riff in two rythmic sections and Linx made the 'chorus' on the spot while digesting his sandwich at the same time:)

We got upstairs to the studio and we worked those lines.
The guitar power chords came to me in seconds and damn if sounds good!!!

We were anxious to get along these ideas with Sam on the next day...

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