Last night it was special!A night full of happenings and emotions, the venue was packed with 1600 souls and they were deeply enthusiastic. Fish and his band would be performing Misplaced Childhood for the last time and we were the opening act. We knew that among the crowd there will be around 150 Forgotten Suns' fans but the feedback was tremendous and we felt really touched with the applauses right at the end of the 1st song...!We leaved the stage after a 45 minute set and people were stand up, applauding and asking for more!
For us it's part of a dream we had when we formed the band back in 92 - to open for Marillion or Fish. 14 years later it really happened!
All members of Fish' crew and musicians are really nice fellows and it was cool to speak with them on the backstage.
This is for sure a chapter that can't be missed in any biography of Forgotten Suns...
PS: we asked for Fish' permission to use part of the lyrics from 'Forgotten Sons' track - of the debut album from Marillion - and we made an interaction with the audience.
For those who didn't nailed it on the spot, that was the reason why we end up to decide for the name Forgotten Suns back in 92:)...it was another 'momentum' of the night!
Tomorrow we restart the writings of our 3rd album intensively and on a daily basis until Christmas, so prepare yourself for photos, videos and lot of new info for the next couple of weeks:)
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