21st November 2006 - on the studio today I got some free time to watch in detail the DVD that our dearest VJ (Marta Machado) got us with backstage, sound-check and concert clips of Fish' opening at Aula Magna 10 days ago! I got all chicken skin with our Angels' Embrace version and how Linx dedicate it to Fish...it will be in our memories forever!!!
There's an huge distance between how we write our songs today compared to what we did on the Fiction/Snooze days; we tooked several months to write those albums (because of our lack
of experience but mostly because we lacked stability in our line up as a band).
Today we can write 4 tracks in a week like we did with 'Racing the Hours', 'The News', 'Doppleganger' and 'Flesh&Bones' while maintainig the fast pace easily!
It's been very rewarding to work on studio since we decided to finish the writing of 14 tracks until Christmas; we are doing some of the best ever Forgotten Suns' music and collecting targets day after day - we're absolutely sure that we found our single of this album on 'Doppleganger'. Nuno layed his bass lines today and it's a powerful track with all the essences we wanted: with FS trademarks but also with a strong sense of heavy futurism and use of technology...
We are now creating new concepts for future songs...we have at least 4 stories in our minds
-'Nanoworld(3001)' ; 'Mind over Matter'; 'In This' ; and to recover a old track called 'Lost back Home' - tomorrow we will start working on a idea from Nuno 'Strap', a very interesting tapping sequence on bass with the ideas that Sam, Mike and I got while we were chatting and drinking coffee. Those ones mixed with an old epic vocal idea of Linx will be a great track!
A funny detail is that for the 2nd time, while we're going home, someone has ideas and we record them on mp3' player/recorder and on my digital camera - it happened with Mike's ideas for 'The News', it happened with me for the same track and happened with Linx today while he was driving us home, we believe those ideas will fit into 'Mind over Matter' in perfection!!!
More tomorrow:)
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